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15 Feb 2022 • 3 min read
  • CX13

# Blog update

Goodmorning, to start of the day I thought I'd update the blog by saying this idea of mine is officially being upgraded from a "fun project" to something more conceptual. This also means updating the blog posts and tagging the related posts with the concept tag "CX13". Which stands for Concept X13 (clever, I know).

Last night while I was trying to fall asleep I jolted awake with some good ideas for onboarding users. You see it can be very tricky to build something that is intuitive and easy to setup but that also has a broad range of features and customization. The onboarding process here is going to be a key aspect. It will help users set up their first board and get them started with the basic knowledge of the data.

The original plan for today was to work on designing the "editor" part of the operation but I might work on the onboarding process a bit first. Tinkering out the different layers by creating user personas that will help me identify what paths I'll be needing.

# 1:02pm

I didn't get very far yet with the onboarding. I did however manage to make three personas for the different types of users I'm expecting. Furthermore, I designed the first two pages of the onboarding which is between 20/30% of the pages I'll probably end up needing.

# 3:37pm

Finished up work on the login/register/continue as guest and reset password flows. Happy with the overall design scheme I went for and even though it may need some more tweaking here and there I consider this part done. Now I can focus on writing 3-4 questions that should get a user setup with a board. After that part is done I can design the step by step explainer.

My friend gave me some feedback regarding the design and we had a nice discussion over why I chose the route that I went for instead of what would be the more conventional route.

As it stands I am taking a page out of carrd's book with regards to sign-up. I don't want registration to be required for this app. This should be able to be done at a later point when you want to bind a board to an account.

# Wrap up

With that all out of the way I'll be finishing up todays blog so let's sum up what I did get done and what I ended up not working on or completing:

# Finished

  • Create account flow
  • Login to account flow
  • Reset password flow

# Working on

  • On boarding quiz flow

# Didn't work on

  • Editting board flow

Tomorrow I'll be continuing the quiz flow and hopefully come up with the questions that I am satisfied with. If not I'll reshift my focus to editting board flow. I will mention that I'll be visiting old colleagues tomorrow (social thing) so I'll likely not have a full work day. Regardless I thank you for reading and see you tomorrow.
